Monday 12 December 2011

James and the Giant Peach review by Tyson

Author: Roald Dahl
Illustrator: Quentin Blake

This book is about a kid who lives with his Aunties. He went to this giant peach and he found bugs in there like a ladybettle. They had adventures like the peach being eaten by a shark!

My favorite part of the book was when the sharks were eating the giant peach because the birds helped them get away.

It was funny that the bugs could talk. It was an interesting book I give it a 10 out of 10!

You should read this book cause it has a good cover,  it is clever and good and the bugs are funny.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Will, Turlough, Curtis and Abe

Author: Jeff Kinney

The story is about a wimpy kid bored by his brother Rodrick. It is a diary, journal entry. It is about a boy that is picked on all the time, he is the main character his name is Greg Heffely.

My favorite part of the book is when Greg gets the 'cheese touch'. The 'cheese touch' is a touch that goes around, it's like a gross cheese. Will's favorite part is when Greg goes to the ice-skating rink and gets a girlfriend. It is also funny when he goes into the ladies toilets because he thinks it;s the boys toilets. He's gets trapped and so the old ladies try to kick him out. They eventually get in and then he gets out through the bottom of the toilets and escapes.

I like this book because he goes through a lot of different stories in the book. There are a lot of different tasks they go through. WiIl: I like this book because connect with Rowley because I sort of do the same things as him, such as going to friends' houses and I'm sometimes naughty.

People should read this book because it's funny, good and you can collect them. You might learn something, such as not to be silly.

The Naughtiest Girl in School by Phoebe

Author: Enid Blyton

This is book is about a girl named Elizabeth who doesn't want to go to school but was sent to school. Her parents can't look after her anymore because they had to go to another place. She is sent to a boarding school. It's a place where the kids have to sleep, have dinner and learn. She thought it was horrid at the start then she makes a friend and she becomes happy.

My favorite part of the book was when she became nice as she was naughty before, this makes another person happy, a girl called Joan. Joan was always sad. Everybody called her names, like a Mouse and they said 'Where do you keep your cheese?' She bought Joan some stamps and helped her send letters to her parents. Elizabeth talked to Joan and asked her to be her friend. Joan was not a naughty character, Elizabeth was naughty because her parents spoilt her. Joan always tried to help Elizabeth not be mad at others. They were both sad at first because they didn't have any friends, they were similar to each other and this helped them connect.

I like the book because it was funny because Elizabeth uses funny language when she's angry, such as 'poo'. We use words like 'drats', ' shot' and I think it's funny because of the words in the book. It might be  a true story, like my Mum's Dad went to boarding school, that's a true story.

I think people should read this book because it's a true story and it's very interesting.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Wombats Can't Fly review by Turlough, Curtis and Will

Wombats Can't Fly by Michael Dugan, Illustrator Jane Burrell

This book was about two little wombats found a shiny thing in a bush.Then they all the other things to a hot air balloon and rose up in the sky.

My favorite part of the book was when they flew up in the sky because it was funny.

I give this book 5 stars.

Monday 17 October 2011

Grug by Taaha and Ryan

It was about a Grug who was trying to find a house. In the end he found a cave that was empty. It was good and fun to read about Grug and his house.

My favourite part of the book was when he made a house. His house was good. Me and Ryan thought we could make a house like Grug’s house. It was our best book.

Grug is so good because you can read it easily. You should read it because it’s about the first Grug and how he made a house.

Grug is written by Terry Prior

George's Secret Key To The Universe review by Andres

George's Secret Key To The Universe, By Stephen Hawkins and Lucy Hawkins

The story is about a boy named George, who stumbles across a house that no one had been in for years. He soon finds out that there are people living there called Eric and his daughter, Annie, who are obsessed with science. 

Eric has a computer called Cosmos. Cosmos is the most powerful computer in the world and enables you to travel anywhere in the universe. At first it was fun, but when Eric gets sucked into a black whole and cosmos gets stolen by a mad scientist who intends to control the universe, everything goes a bit strange.

I recomend this book to people between 7 and 14 years because it can be hard to read and can be scary at times.
by Andres

Monday 12 September 2011

Reader Reviews Book Club

Each week students from Leanne's community Penelope, Theoni and Yasmin have been running the Reader Review Book Club at recess time in the 123 Downstairs.

This is there report:

First week was great because we had alot of people. Students discussed the books Grug and Goosebumps. Our second week wasn't as good we only had two extra people come.  We have decided to make some posters and make an announcement at assembly to encourage others. 

This is our script

Reader Reviews Book Club
Thursday 1st play
123 downstairs

Welcome to the book club today, we will share our favorite book and why they are special to us.

We are going to ask you to share your book in the circle, one person speaks at a time.

1.What is your book called?
2.What is this book about?
3.Why do you like this book?
4.What is the author’s name?
5.What is the illustrator’s name?
6.Do you think people would like to read this book and why?

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Boy Versus Beast Club

Today Charlie and Joel started a Boy Versus Beast Club. If you want to join please come into the classroom and sign your name on the sign up sheet! It's a whole lot of fun.

'The Twelve Princesses' by Isobel

This book is about the twelve princesses and every night they go through a trap door and dance. Every morning they wake up.

My favourite part is when the ugliest child is proved to be the smartest.

I liked this book because they changed the classic fairytale from classic to modern.

You should read this book because it is a very good book.

Monday 15 August 2011

'Purple Snow' Review - By Olive, Giuliana and Amy

This book is about a cockatoo that believes there is purple snow in Australia. The polar bear wants to see purple snow. Our favorite part of the book is when the polar bear wants to see purple snow but it isn't purple snow at all.

We like this book because it's funny and it's not really purple snow. You should read this book because it's easy to read which is good if you want to read it at school.

Monday 1 August 2011

'Downsized' by Rose and Theoni

A dad that lost his job. His daughter make a garden like in a grand gardens magazine, so the dad helped her make the garden nice.

Our favorite part of the story was when the dad helped the kids make the garden. Because the dad is nice to the kids. Also he enjoys himself.

We think that the story was interesting because it started off that you didn't know what's going on.It ends in a happy ending.

You should read this book because it is very different to other books so its a good book.

We give this book 3 stars.


Sunday 31 July 2011

'The Fantastic Mr Fox' by Amy

The book was about a fox that had to run away from some farmers. He got away from them and then he ran into his hole.
My favourite part of the book was when the farmer was mad because it was funny. It is good fro kids that are 8 because it is scary.

I liked it because it's fun and enjoyable.

You should read this book if you want to have fun.